maandag 30 januari 2012

Thank you to my new friend Kit Miller of The Astrology News who made the suggestion that the Healing Rays that I work with are also associated with Planetary Energies. Very cool! Here is my intuitive take on them.

Emerald Ray = Jupiter (Kit got me started, as this was her suggestion. This makes perfect sense as Jupiter is associated with the healing AA Raphael, and also with the Guru.)

Violet Flame = Venus (Kwan Yin is associated with this Ray, so that also connects very nicely.)

Indigo Ray = Saturn (not exactly sure why, but it fits. It has to do with focus and discipline.)

Crystal Ray = Uranus (for it's lightning fast and innovative nature.)

Blue Ray = Neptune (for it's healing and empathic nature. Neptune is also associated with Pisces and the color blue.)

Diamond Heart/Ray = Pluto (for getting to the "heart" of the matter; and also for its transmutational properties, as diamonds are created out of compressed denser materials.)


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